Saturday, September 22, 2012

Blessings Come In Every Shape and Size

Well i'm not sure if it's taboo to write more than one post in a day, but i felt it was important to describe the two most important beings in my life that God gave me.

The first is my husband -the love of my life.  His name is Michael, but I call him Mikey.  He is my Pachururu.  That's the nickname I gave him.  He is the most supportive, loving, person I've ever known romantically.   His is my soulmate.  My other half.  Some days he is my better half.  I admit i'm not perfect.  I'm human.  I admit that we're a lovey dovey couple very in love.  People always think we're newly wed but we've been married since May 13th, 2011.  Sure we have our problems from time to time but we love each other and never go to bed angry.  We always work through our problems together.  Most importantly we never miss the chance to say "I love you" and we always say "be safe" when we have to part ways for work, etc.

The second, now don't laugh, is my stuffed skunk that I have had since Christmas 1987, my very first of many.  Many blood, sweat, and tears go with my skunk.  His name is Sweet Pea, but I call him Skunk-a-monk.  He has a big hole in his back, and some of his stuffing is always falling out, but i'm able to keep in together.  He isn't fluffy anymore but he's still soft and perfect to me.  When I was alone a lot growing up, my skunk was always there.  I hate to admit it but he was there more for me than my parents were growing up.  Now I know you're not allowed to take material things with you when you go, but if God made this one exception i'd be all the more blessed.  Thank you Lord for my skunk and my wonderful hubby.  Every day I have them they remind me that you love me.

Even when we go through hard times, God is still there, listening to our every prayer.  I know.  Even if you don't see Him and can't hear Him, He's there watching.  When things get rough He always sends someone or something your way to help you move forward.  You only have to grasp it and go with it because you will not regret it.

When times are hard remember Jeremiah 29:11.

Jeremiah 29:11

New International Version (NIV)
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

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