Sunday, September 30, 2012


Yay! It's here! A new post! So today I wanted to talk about Tea! I know you're probably going "Why tea?". The reason is because it's so good for you. But you still have to be careful Here is why! First let us read a brief history of tea:

The word Tea comes from the Chinese words “Tchai”, “Cha”, and “Tae”. Tea originated in 2737 B.C. when the Chinese Emperor Shen Nong accidently invented it. Shen Nong was a scholar and herbalist. When he was not busy he was an avid patron of the arts and scientist. He knew that boiling water made the water they drank sanitary. One day leaves from a camellia bush fell into the tea and flavored it. Shen Nong felt the new drink invigorated his body and thus it became a Chinese Medicinal Beverage. It would not be until 300 A.D. until tea became a daily drink. The Western Zhou Dynasty made tea into a religious offering used in their ceremonies.

In the 1500s Sen Nor Rikkyu introduced a Japanese Tea Ceremony to Japan. He called it “Chanoyu” which means “Hot water for Tea” in Japanese. He believed tea embodied harmony, respect, purity, and tranquility. A typical Chanoyu ceremony has five steps. Despite having only five steps, the fourth step itself can take up to four hours. The first step is the party receiving the tea from the host is seated waiting in a room until the host is ready to begin the ceremony. The second step is for the guests to walk across the roji which purifies the body. Next they wash their hands and even their mouth. The fourth step, as mentioned before can take up to four hours. During this time the guests and host bow to begin, then eat sweets, and other finger foods. They drink sake and have an intermission. Finally the tea is served during the final step of the ceremony.

In 1600 Queen Elizabeth founded the East India Company to import various things from India. Among them were woven cloths, herbs, and spices. It would not be until 1664 that the first tea would be shipped to England. At first it was only enjoyed by the Aristocracy, but the expanding market eventually made it available to everyone. As history shows, on December 16, 1773, sixty angry colonists in America dumped bounds and pounds of tea into the Boston Harbor Bay. This would later become known as the Boston Tea Party.

In 1904 Richard Blechynden invented the first Iced Tea. It was a hot summer day at the World’s Fair in St. Louis, and Richard he did not want people drinking the tea warm. So he dropped ice cubes into the tea to keep it cold. Finally in 1908 a man by the name of Thomas Sullivan shipped tea samples in bags to the New York area restaurants. The preparers didn’t know to take out the tea from the bags, and thus Tea Bags were born. Since then people have most often prepared their tea this way. Aside from the everyday supermarkets, people all over the world travel a couple times a year to Calcutta, Colombo, and Mombasa for Tea Auctions. The most famous Tea Auctions were first held in London, England from 1679 to the 29th of June of 1998. The first tea auctions were held by the East India Company at their headquarters on Leaden Hall Street. By the 1950s a third of the entire world’s tea was bought through this auction. Tea auctions today remain an important event for Tea connoisseurs.

Today there are over 1,500 types of teas and over 25 countries make tea. The most popular teas are Earl Gray, Lady Gray, English Breakfast, and Irish Breakfast. There are even highly sought after brands like Twinning’s and Celestial Seasonings. No matter whom you are or where you are, tea will always be a part of your life for all occasions.

Now onto more:

Too much tea can be bad for your kidneys. I didn't believe it at first when I heard that either. You should be careful of caffeine intake, so if you switch some of your tea to decaf, you should be fine. Just be sure you're getting at least 60 oz of fluids per day...more if you consume caffeine (as that is a natural diuretic). COFFEE, TEA AND SODA. It's not just the caffeine in these drinks that is hard on the kidneys and joints. Caffeine is not good for you, but it is the tannic acid that damages the kidneys. Another real offender is artificial colored sugar water. Also remember that carbonation is also very hard on the kidneys.

Tea is refreshing, delicious, relaxing, and healthy in moderation. Please drink tea responsibily *wink*.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

I Won!!!

I can't believe it! I Won! AAAAAAHHHHH!!!! This is the greatest gift from God!!!! I can use that money for good things! I'm so excited! The Art Institute of Michigan in Novi is so excited for me since I am one of their students. This is awesome! My art will reach people and hopefully inspire them. My picture is very family oriented. The three snowman outside a log cabin all holding hands. Well I tip my glass of Martinelli's sparkling cider to hope. This just proves that you too should enter something. You never know what the results could be.


I'm so excited!!! I entered an art contest a while back and found out I am a finalist so I had to send in the original artwork. The judging happened either today or it will be tomorrow, but I was told as soon as they have decided I will know -win or lose. The winner is supposed to get 300 dollars on a visa gift card. I'm so excited! Win or Lose i'll just be happy knowing I was a finalist. I'm praying I win. I really need the money haha. Either way it will have been fun. I love art. It's so relaxing when I work on it. My favorite mediums are acrylics, charcoal, and pastel. Colored pencils are okay as long as I have my trusty blender pencil. If you are ever really stressed out then art is definitely a good outlet for you. It doesn't matter the talent level one has for it. Art in general is awesome and fun and relaxing. I highly recommend it. Here is a photo of the artwork I submitted. It was for a Corporate Christmas Card for Genoa Health Care. The medium is charcoal. Also because it had to be "politically correct" it has "happy holidays" on it. I wish I could have but CHRISTMAS on it because Christ is the reason for the season.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Long Day but a Good One.

Today has been a looong day. I had to go to East Lansing today to work as an event planner for The Curious Cat ( I got to tour the locations of a wedding and it's reception. The Turner Dodge for the wedding ceremony and P2 for the reception. They are both in Old Town. It's going to be awesome. Also realized that Wednesday or Thursday should be the day I found out if I won the Christmas Card competition with Genoa Health Center. I pray I have won. I could really use that money to fund Lili Foundation stuff. Oh and the Lili Foundation has an FEIN now! YAY! I'm so excited. I'm determined to do so much with it. I only hope I can find the right support team. I will keep you all posted! God Bless!

Monday, September 24, 2012

One Word: WOW!

Wow! All I have to say is Wow! Today I was contacted by the Press & Argus, our local paper in Howell, and they want to do an article on my new non profit organization!!! YAY! I'm so excited. Also I received the FEIN (tax ID) for the organization. Now all the organization needs is help funding for the paper work haha. The 1023 will allow for all donations to be tax exempt there by allowing the donor to write it of his or her taxes! But it's 300 bucks just for that and for expediting everything it's another 200!!! WOW!!! I have here the chipin we started since we can't open anything other than paypal until we open a bank account for it. But for now this works. I am so excited! Finally going to get a chance to make a difference!!! Now all I need to do is recruit volunteers! Again here is the chipin widget:

Please Help the Lili Foundation!

Please help the Lili Foundation!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Blessings In Disguise and Two Movies that Inspire

It is now officially day two of my blog yay!  My goal is to write two posts a day.  One in the afternoon and one in the evening.  I'm not really worried with how many people read my blog or how much buzz it gets.  I have put my 2 cents out there and hope that someone will come along and be inspired.  Even if it's just one person.  

Today I tried to have a yard sale but it kept drizzling on and off so I decided to cancel it and wait until another day.  Which is actually a blessing in disguise since I need to rehearse for my time in a local recording studio tomorrow afternoon.  Just singing a few Christmas songs for my December release.  Best to start practicing now.  I will also be laying down a few tracks for a variety demo disc.   My goal is to one day inspire people with my music.  I want to use the money I earn from that to create a place where those with no where else to go can come and be fed, taken care of, and help them back on their own two feet.    But for now all I can do is make at least 3 people smile/laugh a day.  It's the least I can do for this world which seems to be in a never ending depression.  

Oh! I almost forgot to tell you.  I saw a wonderful movie last night called "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" with a bunch of big British Actors and Actresses.  Three I recognized immediately were Bill Nighy (Underworld Saga, Love Actually, and Pirate Radio), Maggie Smith (We all know her as Professor Minerva McGonagall. from Harry Potter Saga), and Tom Wilkinson (The Patriot, Batman Begins, The Debt, and Green Hornet).  I'm so glad I saw that movie.  I could really relate to the characters despite the age gap.  I think that is part of what made it so great.  The movie is about British Retirees who travel to India and take up residence in what they thought would be a newly restored hotel only to find it less luxurious than the advertisements.  Brought together they are forever changed and learn about life and love in a whole new way.  Please take a couple hours out of your day to rent and watch it.  You never know what you'll learn.  I promise you'll be happily surprised. I am definitely buying this when I get the money.

Another good movie i recently rented was Katy Perry Movie.  I loved it.  I am a big fan of her music.  She reminds us that no matter what we are ourselves, and just the way God intended us to be.  She is very inspiring to everyone she meets.  It was nifty to be able to follow her throughout her tour in 2011.  To see the ups and downs and to be reminded just now much like all of she is.  Celebrity or not Katy Perry will be Katy Perry and no one else. Even if you're not a Katy Perry fan like myself, I highly urge you to go rent this movie, and if you like it buy a copy like I did.  It's worth every dollar you spend.

Well I am sure I have kept you long enough.  Go have fun today! Do something different -and don't forget to make at least 3 people smile/laugh today.  Go have your adventure today.  Just because you have to work doesn't mean there's no play.  Until this evening I remain Elizabeth, the girl who dreams with all she has and hopes she has brightened your day and inspired you.  Feel free to drop me a message! Talk with you later!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Blessings Come In Every Shape and Size

Well i'm not sure if it's taboo to write more than one post in a day, but i felt it was important to describe the two most important beings in my life that God gave me.

The first is my husband -the love of my life.  His name is Michael, but I call him Mikey.  He is my Pachururu.  That's the nickname I gave him.  He is the most supportive, loving, person I've ever known romantically.   His is my soulmate.  My other half.  Some days he is my better half.  I admit i'm not perfect.  I'm human.  I admit that we're a lovey dovey couple very in love.  People always think we're newly wed but we've been married since May 13th, 2011.  Sure we have our problems from time to time but we love each other and never go to bed angry.  We always work through our problems together.  Most importantly we never miss the chance to say "I love you" and we always say "be safe" when we have to part ways for work, etc.

The second, now don't laugh, is my stuffed skunk that I have had since Christmas 1987, my very first of many.  Many blood, sweat, and tears go with my skunk.  His name is Sweet Pea, but I call him Skunk-a-monk.  He has a big hole in his back, and some of his stuffing is always falling out, but i'm able to keep in together.  He isn't fluffy anymore but he's still soft and perfect to me.  When I was alone a lot growing up, my skunk was always there.  I hate to admit it but he was there more for me than my parents were growing up.  Now I know you're not allowed to take material things with you when you go, but if God made this one exception i'd be all the more blessed.  Thank you Lord for my skunk and my wonderful hubby.  Every day I have them they remind me that you love me.

Even when we go through hard times, God is still there, listening to our every prayer.  I know.  Even if you don't see Him and can't hear Him, He's there watching.  When things get rough He always sends someone or something your way to help you move forward.  You only have to grasp it and go with it because you will not regret it.

When times are hard remember Jeremiah 29:11.

Jeremiah 29:11

New International Version (NIV)
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

I Want to Inspire You

Wow.  My first real blog.  I'm not even sure what to write haha.  I really don't want this to be all formal.  I hope this reaches at least one person.  I want to inspire you.  That's why I am here.  To pass on my wisdom and to inspire you to live today and always move forward toward tomorrow.  No regrets and a life that lives in the light of God and the grace given to us by Christ.  When you reach the pearly gates of Heaven, God will say "Well done, good and faithful servant".    I have absolutely no clue as to what lies ahead.  I will forge my destiny one day at a time.  All I can do is pray that I can inspire just one -at least one person to move forward and not stagnate like so many others.  God bless.  I look forward to our next chat.